Sunday, February 3, 2013

abandoned power station

Earlier this year i traveled out of state to photograph an abandoned power station. After scouting the complex we finally found a nice hole cut into the fence that became our entrance & exit. This complex turned out to be much larger on the inside than how it looked from street level. It was four stories tall, yet had an additional four stories down from the street level. It was MASSIVE! There were no shortage of ways to fall to your death in this place. We all ended up walking on rusted out catwalks that were sometimes suspended several stories above the lowest platforms. It did have some industrial makeshift contarctor lighting that allowed us to navigate our way into to a HUGE open air area that was mainly lit by skylights in the cieling. This place was home to some of the best natural lighting i had ever been privlaged to shoot. Not until our way home did i realize this complex was used in several major studio movies. Its incredible size and hauntingly beautiful lighting was no doubt a perfect backdrop for movie location scouts.

abandoned power station

abandoned power station
abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station abandoned power station

1 comment:

  1. great set of photos. makes me want to get out exploring the abandoned again!
